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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tim Sloan is no more an education actist than my cat is a dog

Sometimes this really makes my head hurt. I will let his words do the talking for him.

From the Times Union:

 Tim Sloan, an education activist and Duval parent, spoke during Tuesday’s Board meeting about the timing of Smith Juarez’s actions.
He likened it to the Jaguars winning consistently and getting close to but not making the Superbowl. He said the community would object if owner Shad Khan then decided to fire a key coach.
Similarly, Sloan predicted, the community would be upset about losing Vitti, when the district made improvements while not fairing well in some measures.
“Our school district has excelled,” Sloan said. “Last year we had a new curriculum which had flaws but our teachers ... still educated our children.”
Sloan added that achievement gaps have existed long before Vitti came to Jacksonville in 2012.
“It was nothing new,” Sloan said. “The truth is, the separation of the (student) subgroups has always been. They were there when some of you were teachers,” referring to several board members who used to be teachers.
Oy vey, has he seen the Jaguars? Bradley and Vitti both arrived about the same time and in my estimation they have performed similarly, some nice wins here and there but way to many losses. If the Jags start 0-4 a real possibility or lose ten games again, who thinks Shad Kahn is going to keep him around and who would complained if he fired him? Not that making a ^%$ing football analogy comparing the game to the future of our children is even remotely appropriate. (Thanks Julie)
I have been to many board and community meetings with Mr. Sloan and the toughest question he has asked Vitti is, how did you get so awesome.
He also once chided me for questioning Warren Jones campaign donations and if you guessed they were from Gary Chartrand and his friends you are right.
Considering Slaon an activist for him loving Vitti and all that he does is part of the problem. 

1 comment:

  1. If this guy is an education activist then I'm the Queen of England. His analogy to Gus Bradley is inadvertently appropriate considering Gus has the worst winning % of any head coach that has coached at least 50 games. The only guy with a worse record also owned the team. I'm guessing this guy isn't a football fan either. The difference between Bradley & Vitti is that at least Gus is likeable. We should thank Sloan for making the case to fire both Vitti & Gus.
