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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Does Duval County need to raise taxes or cut programs?

This is a question I am frequently asked and the answer is neither at least right now.

I don’t think we have to raise taxes or cut services, we just need to prioritize our needs. Recently the district has thought it needed more high priced administrators and its own legal team, I on the other hand think we need more art teachers, guidance counselors and para-professionals.

Several south Florida districts have combined their capital and operating budgets so they can better prioritize their needs. This is something we also need to do in Jacksonville.

Now make no mistake there are needs going unmet in our schools but right now I believe if we gave each school a money printing press but continued to do things the way we are then we would still lag behind the state and never meet our potential. Proper leadership is more important than more money at this point.

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