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Sunday, July 29, 2012

What do some top education reformers have in common?

If someone told you that you lived in a country where no leaders would send their children to the schools they designing for 90 percent of the population, you would say you must be talking about a feudal society or third world dictatorship, but unfortunately, you are talking about the United States in 2012. Whether it's Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg, Andrew Cuomo, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, the wealthiest and most politically influential supporters of school reform send their children to private schools where none of the tests and evaluations they are deluging public schools with hold sway. If I was a cynical person, I would say they are trying to transform our children into an obedient low wage labor force that will work for the companies their children will run, but that would be unfair, right? -Mark Naison

Ashley Juarez-Smith went to the Bolles school and undoubtedly wants to privatize our public schools too. -cpg

1 comment:

  1. TeachmyclassMrMayorJuly 29, 2012 at 7:58 PM

    This is a fact that needs to be repeated as often as any other. President Obama has had chance after chance to prove that he is as "pro public schools" as he says he is. Have not done it once. Just think how much it would have done had he directed resources to the protests in Wisconsin. His education policies are no different than his opponent, of his buddy in Chicago, or the liar that was in Washington DC (Rhee, I mean...not that it would not apply to politicians, but I digress). Just imagine what he could have done for public education if he had sent his kids to DC public schools. Fact is that he does not really believe in public education. Folks we are in this alone, we need to stick together...from sea to shining sea.
