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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Duval Teachers United inexplicable endorsements for school board

In district one they endorsed Martha Barrett, you know the woman who has been on the board for arguably the worse ten years since desegregation.

In three they endorsed Ashley Juarez Smith whose mentor Gary Chartrand funded PEN the scab union organization and who is on record saying teaching experience doesn’t matter, smaller classes don’t matter and was one of the leaders in bringing KIPP to town.

In 7 they endorsed John Heymann and where this pick doesn’t make me cringe he has said when talking about the union, he would be teachers best friends and he would also fight tooth and nail any organization that protects bad teachers. Now the union doesn’t protect bad teachers but I don’t get the vibe Heymann is convinced.

Then in 5 they co-endorsed long time union member, teacher and education advocate Chris Guerrieri which is good but also Betty Burney part 2, Connie Hall. That’s like endorsing Romney and Obama or rooting for FSU and Florida to win the big game.

DTU has done their membership and the teachers of the county a disservice with the majority of their picks.


  1. They backed Barrett your Kidding me as the women makes over 100 K as a VP for a major Bank and needs to do something else with her time.

    1. DTU is a joke and in the school board's pocket. The school board let 87 teachers go last summer through a letter in the mail. DTU did nothing to assist these teachers who were members of the organization--not even a meeting, or a phone call or even a return of a phone call. I wish I had all of the dollars that I spent protecting my job through this organization. It was a complete waste.

      I have had no word as to when I may regain employment as a teacher or how maybe I can change fields or be considered for other jobs as they become available. All of a sudden, PE, music, art is not needed in our schools. All the board seems to do, with DTU backing is hire more and more administrators.

  2. Oh but they have money for this Superintendent search, Compass O subscriptions, OnCourse Parent Portal, Pearson Limelight, SSO Learning Station, and payment for all of this one size fits all "professional development" that is essentially the UBD (Understanding By Design ---thinking with the end in mind) but all teachers are expected to take numerous days out of the classroom and complete assignments (even though they didn't request this type of growth to bring them to the next level) . Ultimately it doesn't matter how many days you spend away from your students as long as you participate, nod your head, and complete all meaningless tasks.

    We need more, we deserve more, I love children and supporting their growth!!!

  3. I'm not surprised that the endorsements are a mixed bag. DTU has a complex recommendation process. Although, they claim it is "thorough, extensive and fair" it is not. In my district, the candidate who knew the least about the job got the nomination. How did that happen? The process is all about politics and not about education. The main factors are: 1. Who is best for the teacher's union. 2. Political make-up of the district. 3. Candidates viability (money).

    Finally, DTU can only make recommenditions, it is the state association that makes the, "Offcial Recommendation".

    Chris, I commend you for speaking out and exposing the hypocrisy of DTU. Best of luck in your election. The students and taxpayers could sure use you.
