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Monday, July 2, 2012

School Board member Becki Couch says, there is a boogeyman!

Well she actually said the district was required to have word wall Nazis but that’s practically the same thing as a boogeyman.

When giving an impassioned monologue about how being on the school board is different than being a teacher (really?!?) she said the district is often forced by Tallahassee to do things they think are bad for our teachers, kids and schools and above was one of the examples she gave.

I wonder if Tallahassee also forced the district to get rid of our attendance and tardy policies, gut discipline, destroy rigor and treat teachers like second-class citizens because those are some of the things the district has done too?

1 comment:

  1. Tallahassee does not require DCPS to have word walls. That came with America's Choice under Super Fryer. Actually the word wall was probably one of the few good ideas of Am. Choice if( and a big if )the words are actually taught and used and not just there to look pretty on the wall. The reason the district has "word wall Nazis" and the reason the district is inordinately obsessed with what is hanging up in the room is so that they hope to impress the State people when they make visits. God forbid if you did not have all the standards posted and on and on. Teachers have always posted student work without being told but the demands made as to what was required to be up in the room was so time consuming that it took away from real teaching. As long as your room looked good for people coming to your room you must then be a good teacher. ABSURD. And as you say here Chris the state did not tell our district to gut discipline etc. and it is irresponsible for the board members to blame it all on the State.
