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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chris Guerrieri answers Times Union's education questions, in 40 words or less

What should be the #1 priority of the new superintendent?
The old super was about numbers and quick fixes, the new one must be about people and doing things the right way. They must insist we have rigorous classes, disciplined schools and we treat teachers like professionals.

What role will you play in improving teacher morale?
Teachers need to be supported with discipline, allowed to be creative and innovative and given a degree of autonomy instead of being micromanaged and marginalized. If I am on the board I will insist those things happen.

What policies should be in place to address the district’s overage student issue?
We need more trade, skills and arts programs that play to student’s strengths instead of continuing to stuff them all into a one size fits all curriculum. Not every kid is going to go to college and that is okay.

What needs to be done to improve the district’s communication with stakeholders?
First we need honest communication. The current administration has sold an “all is well” message that the city hasn’t bought. We do need to celebrate our victories but we can’t continue to gloss over our weaknesses and failures.

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