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Sunday, July 8, 2012

What are Connie Sands-Hall’s (candidate district 5) positions on education?

I don’t know because she wouldn’t answer the following questions.

1. What do you think of grade recovery and would you make any changes to it?

2. What would you do to address low teacher morale?

3. Many of our underachieving schools serve neighborhoods that are wracked with poverty, what would you do to mitigate poverty in our schools?

4. Do you think teachers should be encouraged to pass kids without the skills they need or to ignore bad behavior, two common complaints that teachers have and if not what you do to ensure that doesn’t happen?

5. What do you think is the role Teach for America should play?

6. How would you go about seeing our best teaches are put in the schools with the highest needs.

7. What would you do to increase reading scores?

8. What do you think about the districts school site based management policy?

9. What do you think is the number one issue facing the county and how would you go about fixing it.

Likewise her web site gives no clues about her ideas or solutions.

Friends if you have questions ask them and demand answers. This election and our children are to important not to know where candidates stand or to just buy into meaningless rhetoric.

I hope she changes her mind and if she does Education Matters will be sure to let you know because you definitely deserve to know.


  1. Why would she answer your questions? It's not like this is a neutral forum and you wouldn't use her answers in some way against her.

  2. You are mistaken, please read the education matters candidate project for details.

    Also just so I know, how would I use the above questions against her and i find it sad that you don't want to know her answers to the above questions.

  3. Never said I didn't want to know her answers. However, if I was a candidate for public office there is no way I would ever go on record on an opponent's blog answering questions they prepared, let alone an opponent who has taken every opportunity to bash other candidates. Would I consider this a safe forum, even though I've been given assurances it will be? Absolutely not.
    How would you use her responses against her? The same way you use anything against any other candidate. "oh, she said such and such, so she's against such and such." "oh, she has a ton of money, she's out of touch with reality." and on and would just give you more fodder for your tirades and rants about anything you can rant or rave about.

  4. According to you I am going to write those things anyway, so why not get her thoughts on issues in at the same time. I would put them up unedited without commentary and I also offered to let her put up three other pieces of her choosing the same way. That's four blogs where she gets her message out. I think that is pretty generous of an opponent.

    As for bashing other candidates, I think I ask a lot of good questions that other people want to know. If that's Bashing then I am going to turn it up in the upcoming weeks.

    In the meantime if you could point out an instance where I just bashed I would appreciate it.
