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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jon Heymann clarifies; he will occasionally have a conflict of interest.

Earlier today I wrote Jon Heymann has often said he wouldn’t have a conflict of interest being on the school board because the school board provides partial funding to Community in Schools. I got that wrong. He has said he will occasionally have a conflict of interest he will just abstain from being involved during those times and for getting that part wrong I sincerely apologize.

He also said: First, I have never, ever, ever said that I have no conflict on interest. Please read my response to one of your other ill quoted blogs.

Second, not all money from the Team Up contracts come to CIS. We began the first 4 Jacksonville Team Up programs in 1998, and there are now many more (I think 45), of which CIS operates 20. All the rest of the schools that you think are laundering dollars from school board money are three other major programs NOT funded through TeamUp.

In fact, even the School District Team Up dollars are federal "Pass Through" funding -- in other words, the Children's Commission writes the grants for these pass through federal dollars which "pass through" the school system as required by law --- these dollars are not bilking any local funding for teachers and/or programs.

Not sure why you are bothering to twist the facts into accusations. How bizarre.

Now he has said in the past that he gets very little funding from the district and if I read above correctly he is changing his tune just a bit, acknowledging he does get money from the district (millions of dollars in fact and the bulk of his funding) just after it passes through the Jacksonville Children’s Commission.

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