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Monday, July 30, 2012

More Dumb ideas about evaluating teachers

The United Way joined the bash teachers movement two years ago when it accepted a large grant to study teacher quality, why no grant to study bad policies or a lack of resources I wonder. Two years later they came up with the wonderful idea of having students evaluate teachers and by wonderful I mean wow how absolutely stupefying.

I have had students after receiving referrals announce to the class that nothing would happen to them and that I would be the one who got in trouble. Kids today also use grade recovery to game the system to cut down on attendance and work. Could you imagine how they would be if they could grade their teacher? Their little brains would pop with power

Are you sure Mr. G you don’t won’t to give me an extension on my assignment, you expect me to do homework or I have to do this book report? After all your grade is on the line too. Quid pro quo, scratch my back if I scratch yours and out and out black mail will occur and this is the suggestion the United Way and their blue ribbon panel obviously devoid of professional educators came up with?

This idea is so bad it makes all their other ideas questionable.


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