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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Does Peter Rummel understand his school board picks?

Businessman Peter Rummell went from hero when he crossed republican party lines to support Alvin Brown over a tea party candidate to zero when he said he was considering running four businessmen in the school board races. It got so ugly that former mayor Jake Godbold even eluded to Rummell being a nazi for thinking such a thought.

Mr. Rummell is right though, our city has been suffering and one of the biggest reasons is our school system, saddled with bad leadership, has not lived up to its potential. Since this is the case it makes his picks for school board that much more head scratching.

He picked Cheryl Grimes over incumbent Martha Barrett in one, which makes sense because they are only two running but in Districts 5 he has decided to support the hand picked successor Burney, Hall. In short he is backing Betty Burney part 2.

Mr. Rummell if poor leadership got us to where we are at, why on earth would you support a continuation of that leadership.

Friends think about this, if following the establishment’s picks has gotten us to where we are at, does it make sense to keep following them?

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