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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

At the cost of 256 art teachers a year, Bill Gates learns wealth does not equal intelligence

Bill Gates spent 50 million over three years to build a better mousetrap, that is teacher evaluation tool. By the way he could have financed 256 teachers a year with that amount of money and that not his research probably would make a difference.

The meat and potatoes of his study said that, basing teachers evaluations on observations, test scores and student input are all unreliable methods to evaluate teachers, however when you combined all three they somehow made a magical formula that can tell what teacher is good and what teacher needs to start getting their resume ready. I kid you not that’s what the study says.

From Reuters, Taken alone, each of those measures was fairly volatile. Judging teachers primarily by student performance on state tests, for instance, turned out to be highly unreliable, with little consistency from year to year. Judging them chiefly by a principal's observations failed to identify those teachers who could be counted on to boost student proficiency on state math and reading tests.

That’s right friends, somehow they combined three measurements that don’t work into one measurement that does. Secure your trays folks, up just became down, left right, black white, dogs are playing with cats and it is now okay to jump on the furniture.

Bill Gates study did prove one thing and that is wealth does not equal intelligence.

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