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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Now Connie Hall cares about how the district spends its money?

Followers of the blog will know I don’t have much optimism when it comes to Mrs. Hall so you might be surprised to know I share her concern that the district is creating more chief positions especially since most teachers have to go out of pocket to purchase  class necessities.

In the Times Union she said, “This looks top-heavy; it’s a whole lot of chiefs, and that’s going to generate high salaries.”

Hall, one of the board’s four new members, said she wanted to make sure the district wasn’t depriving schools of needed positions to fill top administrative positions.

I think she is right on; the district has been way to top heavy spending six figures on district staff while cutting just about everything else.

The problem however is a couple years ago she was one of those six figured chiefs in an arguably do nothing job. Then she started a non profit to provide tutoring services but then tripled her rates when she started a for profit to do the same thing and finally most recently she opted to take 2,800 more dollars a year than her predecessor had taken.

With her track record it’s hard for me to believe she suddenly cares about how the district spends its money, unless they are spending the money on her. This lady has been living high off the hog on the districts dime for years. Most likely this is just more of her Anti-Vitti dance, something we should all probably get used to.


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