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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Superintendent Vitti knocks it out of the park with learning schedules.

The superintendent removed one of the weights around teacher’s necks today when he said the learning schedule will no longer be written in stone and if you or your team thinks you can do better then do so.

If you didn't know the learning schedule was a hard and fast directive form the district that teachers were not allowed to deviate from nor fall far behind. It removed flexibility and innovation from teachers’ toolboxes.

Vitti said enough. 

He then one-upped even himself when he signaled that the time bullies could masquerade as administrators was coming to an end when he wrote to the staff:

 Administrators should not require that the LSs be strictly followed or threaten teachers regarding their use or lack thereof, but rather they should engage the faculty in discussions as to the benefits of utilizing them or in how they can be improved to meet the needs of your students.

It is amazing what a little bit of support and some common sense solutions will do for staff morale.

1 comment:

  1. "...the time bullies could masquerade as administrators was coming to an end..." Well said, Chris. Most (GOOD) principals said that anyway after the meeting when the new schedules were distributed. Unfortunately, some principals (bullies) require teachers to adhere to the schedule and threaten them in other ways in which they cannot get caught ...however, Vitti is one step ahead of the game and knows what is going on and actually following through... As for the bullies... we all know you read this blog for fear of exposure... your days are numbered.
