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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Florida’s looming teacher crisis, or why would anybody want to be a teacher in Florida?

People forget that just a few years ago we were recruiting in the business world and in the countries of India and Canada because we couldn’t find enough teacher’s to staff our classrooms. What’s going to happen when the economy turns around and people have options?

Lets examine Florida.

Florida has some of the lowest paid teachers in the nation, 47th out of 50. I as a 12th year teacher am paid some 14 thousand below the national average.

A recent three percent pay cut to balance the books of Florida.

Florida’s drill and kill education philosophy where the standardized test, not what’s good for the child, is king.

Teacher’s are now at will employees able to be let go at the end of any year for any reason.

If Will Weatherford has his way there will be no more teacher pensions, this despite the fact the Florida Retirement Fund is very healthy and one of the best around.

And finally no longer does a teacher’s experience or education matter. Pretty ironic if you ask me that in education, a teacher’s education beyond a bachelors degree, doesn’t matter.  

People forget that just a few years ago we were recruiting in the business world and in the countries of India and Canada because we couldn’t find enough teacher’s to man our classrooms. What’s going to happen when the economy turns around and people have options?


  1. When I moved to Florida.. with an Ivy-League Master's degree and a cerification to teach, I discovered that for my six years of teaching and an M.S. I would need to dish out about 500 dollars to get a certificate (Florida doesn't DO reciprocity!) and then jump through a bunch of hoops.. all for a whopping 32K!! I WAS once a great teacher.. but how can I teach science here in redneck FloriDUH where the school board has a prayer before every meeting.

  2. We do not need nor should we want someone with your nature to teach our children. Please return to your prior location and do enjoy your life
