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Saturday, September 26, 2015

The state nickles and dimes new teachers, it's reprehensible.

On Friday I received the teacher lead money to help outfit and supply my room and yeah Friday was the end of week five, why they can't give us the money during pre-planing is unknown, probably because it would make sense. That being said I am appreciative of this fraction of the money I will end up spending.

I ran into a new teacher last night and he had a frown on his face because he was not eligible for the money. As a new teacher he only had a temporary certificate and the lead money is only for certified teachers.

He also mentioned that he has three tests he has to take at two hundred and fifty dollars a pop, because the state has jacked up the costs of certification tests, to get certified.

That's a thousand dollars he is losing out on right there and that isn't even taking into consideration any money he s going to spend on his room and his kids.

Florida is on the verge of having a teacher shortage as the profession is continuously demonized, the pressure becomes more and more unbearable and the economy continues to recover. Already forty-percent of teachers don't last five years.

Florida cannot continue to marginalize and nickle and dime its teachers if it wants to be successful but maybe that's the point, maybe we don't want to be successful.

It's no secret that Tallahassee would privatize our schools in a minute if they could and part of the plan seems to be kneecapping the teaching profession in any way possible. 


  1. I would suggest to that teacher to check into the situation--downtown, union, Tallahassee. If that person is a classroom teacher, he/she should receive the lead money. A temporary certificate is a certificate. Someone is giving a wrong answer. However, the employment date is September 1. If that teacher was hired after that date, I do not believe he/she is eligible.

  2. BTW, my thinking about lead money is running on different lines. How do you take away a popular benefit? Award it, then disallow its use. Is that why we now have to turn in a log detailing every expenditure of the funds for the bookkeeper to go over and decide what is proper and what is not?

  3. On the other hand, the legislature decided to award bonuses of up to 10K to 1st year teachers who could prove SAT/ACT scores; while the rest of teachers must have the scores AND a highly effective evaluation from last year. Not feeling too sympathetic.

    1. Oh please, that plan by the legislature is a joke and you should be ashamed to throw it in the face of another teacher. Let's see how many "bonuses" the state actually pays out.

  4. Well in my first year of teaching, I started at the beginning at pre-planning and I did not receive a dime. DCPS is a corrupt place. Down with DCPS; Vitti, Chartrand, and the mercenaries who operate those CHARTER SCHOOLS are going to love this comment until the whole CHARTER system starts collapsing and people start going to PRISON.
