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Monday, February 15, 2016

Jason Fischer of all people calls for Connie Hall to resign.

At today’s special school board meeting called to discuss dysfunction on the board, Jason Fischer called for Connie Hall to resign over texts revealed last week.  Admittedly enough one, where she referred to Vitti as, special ed in action, was in poor taste, though I don’t think it anywhere near approaches something to resign over. Also I don’t want to come off as an expert on board relationships but I am pretty sure calling on a colleague to resign isn’t going to help the dysfunction.

You know what somebody should resign over? How about announcing just barely past the half way mark of your term that you had done all you can do and you were seeking a spot in the Florida House of Representatives? Or how about taking thousands of dollars from special interests and then voting to enrich those special interests at the expense of your constituents? How about voting for ideological and partisan causes rather than what’s best for our schools, students and teachers.

How about those things, or you know things that Jason Fischer has routinely done.

I don’t want to defend Connie Hall but I find it rich that Jason Fischer who has done more damage to the district in his first term than even I thought possible is calling or her to resign.

Yes our board is dysfunctional but culprit one is Jason Fischer and he should look in the mirror and follow his own advice. At the very least he’ll have more time to campaign for his house run. 


  1. From the Florida Times-Union story: 'Board member Jason Fischer indicated his constituents found Hall’s remarks derogatory toward people with disabilities.'

    So what? What does that have to do with anything? Is he saying that so his views will have more merit? Let's hear what Hall's constituents have to say about her representation.

    1. Fischer doesn't care about anyone outside his district. His actions during the boundary zoning changes proves that.

      This whole thing reads like a bad 3rd grade play. Cue the faux outrage from former Naval engineer Jason Fischer errr I mean former Naval contractor Fischer.(There is a difference unless you're running for public office apparently.)

    2. Are you sure that isn't "Navel Contemplator?"
