Scott Shine complained about dysfunction on the school board
last week. Then when the school board chair reminded the members of the board’s
policy not to publicly criticize other board members he complained to the media
about her.
He didn’t say, can we talk about this, I think the policy is
wrong, let me plead my case, can we meet about this or anything reasonable
people might do when they have a disagreement with a co-worker.
Nope he called
Action News and said lookie here.
This is the same guy who complained about dysfunction on the
board. I wonder how his call to Action News where he publicly states Ashley Smith-Juarez
is trying to censor his first amendment rights is going to go over. Here is the
thing, I don’t disagree with him but isn’t there a better way to do things?
Also since this is on the heels of him calling for the
firing of a female employee for simply receiving a text, and calling blogger
Chris Guerrieri a liar because he disagrees with him, I wonder what is next.
Unhinged people have better weeks.
Scott Shine is the next Donald Trump without the Billions.