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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Florida Legislature plans to force districts to give local tax money to for profit charters.

Pro charter school bills are moving through the Florida Legislature. Perhaps the worst would require local districts to share their tax revenue with charter schools, the majority of which are run by for profit management companies.  

One of the biggest beneficiaries of this give away that will also hurt public schools by siphoning away resources is Charter Schools USA who has donated tens of thousands of dollars to republican legislators in Tallahassee.

Then despite the fact that CUSA does the lion’s share of its business in Florida and none in Delaware, CUSA is incorporated in Delaware. According to NPR Delaware is helping wealthy individuals and multinational companies hide assets and avoid taxes.

This means that not only are we not requiring CUSA to pay taxes in Florida but now the Republican dominated legislature is proposing giving them even more money.

Why should Florida be giving any money to charter schools other than the approved per child rate? I want to also remind you was that one of the selling points of charters was they could educate children cheaper and better than public schools, neither of which turns out to be true. 

I always thought republicans were for local control and against crony capitalism. With this one bill which will force local districts to share tax money with for profit charter schools they have shown what they really are is hypocrites.

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