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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Scott Shine's gutless response to 7069

After presenting himself as a selfless fighter against House Bill 7069 (he emailed or maybe texted his good friend Aaron bean who voted for the bill), a bill he has also lauded because he believe union teachers will lose their jobs, he had a rather gutless reaction as to what the board should do next.

First he said we should not engage in a law suit because we should not anger the Florida legislature and that they would somehow punish the district. He also said many members of the legislature didn't want to vote for it but they did because they were scared of the speaker of the house and various committee chairs, I guess they may be gut less as well.

As bad as that is what he said next was worse.

From the Times Union:
Shine said most legislators didn’t know the ramifications of the education law before they voted on it, but they were pressured by House Speaker Richard Corcoran, R-Land ‘O Lakes and powerful legislative committee leaders, who control the fate of most Tallahassee bills. Suing the state, Shine said, will only worsen the ongoing fight between Corcoran and statewide teachers unions, putting Duval in a vulnerable position.
“If I thought that litigation would work, I’d be on that like a bad rash,” Shine said. “But I don’t believe it will help us.”
If other districts’ lawsuits are successful, Duval could still benefit, Shine said.
If other districts’ lawsuits are successful, Duval could still benefit, Shine said.
Oy vey, he wants other people to fight, while Duval hunkers down in a bunker and sits it out. Isn't that the definition of gutless?
I want school board members like Wright and Hershey who want to fight tooth and nail for our schools and children. I want board members who are passionate about our schools like Couch is.  
We already have a "bad rash" on the board, a rash who isn't on the board because he cares about our schools and children but one who is interesting in placating people who would destroy our schools.
The entire board was for fighting back against HB 7069, though admittedly Smith-Juarez wanted to exhaust other avenues before agreeing to a law suit and Couch had financial concerns (Grymes was not in attendance), except for Scott Shine who was more concerned with not upsetting his friends in Tallahassee. 
When Shine said his friends didn't know the ramifications and were pressured into voting for the bill he basically called them ignorant and gutless.
With a board member like Shine, we definitely don't need enemies. 

1 comment:

  1. I am not surprised. Does he really think we are as stupid as his friends in Tallahassee? We see right through his smoke and mirrors. He doesn't want to fight it because he likes the idea of the bill. It will destroy public education and he and his friends will reap the benefits. Duh!
