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Friday, August 4, 2017

Rep. Joe Gruters calls for audit of DCPS then tries to rip off old people

This is what passes for a republican politician in Florida. This reprobate is also the co-char of the Florida Republican party and was Trump'e election chair.

He inexplicably since he is from Sarasota joined Representative Jason Fischer of Jacksonville and called for an audit of the Duval County school board, widely considered payback for their tacit thus far support of a lawsuit against HB 7069, the public school kneecapping bill crafted in secrecy and passed on the last day of the legislative session.

Perhaps Gruters should be worrying about his own ethical challenges. From the Sarasota Herald: 

Gruters wants Strand’s clients to stay with the Gruters firm and, for most, the only thing they know about Gruters’ CPA abilities is that Strand said they share the same values, etc. So, mentioning the jail thing? Not a helpful topic.
Gruters also stressed one point with me: He does not really know Strand. They met only twice, to work out the sale of his business. Gruters has no plans to work with him when he gets out of prison. Gruters basically just bought his client list and a few other things.
“It isn’t really a merger,” Gruters said.
That really, really irks Fishbein. For one thing, Gruters’ letter to him and other clients uses the word “merger” twice.
“I felt poked in the gut,” Fishbein said. What makes Gruters’ euphemisms and dodging worse, he said, is that now he is as afraid to trust Gruters as Strand.
After all, Gruters hasn’t been able to find Fishbein’s sensitive documents. When Fishbein asked for the return of a safety deposit box key that Strand had, Gruters’ staff did send him some keys. They looked like keys to a padlock, Fishbein says, and “do not even vaguely resemble safety deposit keys.”
Fishbein, as I said, is disabled and alone. He feels extra vulnerable and worried. He wants the firm Gruters said is now his to pay the legal fees to transfer Fishbein’s trust responsibilities and documents — those they happen to find — to another firm.
“There’s a file of mine out there with these details of my private life unaccounted for,” Fishbein said.

Gruters says he will try to help, but that he is not responsible for Strand’s errors, or whatever. It is hard to ask Strand questions just now. The state prison system has him but hasn’t even decided where he will be housed.
This expansion deal hasn’t worked as easily as Gruters had hoped, he admits. Strand must have gotten distracted when he realized his criminal case was not going well, Gruters said. Some tax clients’ files need work.
Basically, Gruters buys a client list for another CPA who's been jailed, calls the transaction a "merger" when it's not, and perpetuates a lie about the other CPA's crime by omitting information and not taking clients' calls, then is his spare time he calls for an audit of DCPS a school district hundreds of miles away that he doesn't represent, in an attempt to bully them. Liars and bullies are what makes up a large swath of Tallahassee which is dominated by republicans. Isn't it past time we got ethical people who care about public education to represent us?

1 comment:

  1. Some districts will do & say anything to avoid battling for our students.

    From the FTU:

    Superintendent Addison Davis and some board members said they are reluctant to commit to paying for a lawsuit when the district is trying to build up its reserve fund balance, trying to better compensate teachers, and weather increases in health care costs.

    Teachers have been asking for better pay for years & now they're suddenly going to get it?

    Another teacher, Laura Mayberry, said earlier that Clay teacher salaries in the past six years have not kept up with inflation, so teachers are living on less than they were six years ago. She teaches economics and social studies at Orange Park High.

    We all have excuses & they all stink!
