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Friday, December 11, 2020

Greene's administration would rather look good than be good

 If Superintendent Greene and the district will be deceptive about one thing, what won’t they be deceptive about?  

A scathing report from a grand jury accused the DCPS police department of juking the stats when it comes to crime statistics at the behest of the Diana Greene administration. If you work in or follow DCPS, you have known that for years they have been tying teachers' hands when it comes to discipline. More evidence that DCPS would rather look good than be good. 

No getting around this; this is bad. 

From the Florida Times-Union, 

The report goes on to say that the Duval Schools administration directed Chief Edwards, who in turn directed his officers not to report petty acts of misconduct or misdemeanors to a law enforcement agency. 

Rut Ro 

I don’t want to rehash our discipline problems. Instead, I want to talk about how this is a symptom of Greene’s leadership. Where she goes, scandal follows. 

Massive overruns with a new software bought on her watch in Manatee. 

A grade fixing scandal 

A gross underestimation of construction costs, when they did their referendum 

Scandal, scandal, scandal, and scandal.  

Greene over promises and under delivers at every turn. Teachers and students pay the price. 

We should and could be doing better, and if she’s not going to the things the right way, we should cut our losses and find somebody who will. 

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