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Sunday, December 6, 2020

DCPS, reveals its priorities, test, test, test and then test some more.

 Has anybody mentioned to the people in the Ivory Tower that there is a pandemic going on? If somebody did, do you think they would care? 

DCPS is not reading the room; with a Biden victory, there is a 99 percent chance that for the second year in a row.  The thing is, even if they don't, the tests below are optional; in fact, friends, he is a dirty little secret all just about all the tests are optional, at least until high school anyway. Even the third-grade test can be replaced with a portfolio. 

Learning arcs, district staff checking for standards, and these tests tell me the district's priority is not the health and well being of teachers but business as usual.

Parents, please decline, tell your friends to decline as well; nobody needs the extra stress. After all, there is a pandemic going on. Somebody should mention that to the district. 

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