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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

As problems mount DCPS sits on 70 million dollars

Veteran teachers are about to take a pay cut, our contact tracing is a joke, and thousands of sub-jobs have gone unfilled, all while the district sits on way more money than it is statutorily required to do so.  I have been told they are saving the money for a rainy day. Well, friends, if they look outside, they would be able to that it is pouring.

The district is statutorily required to save 3 percent of its budget. Though I know in the past, they have saved five percent and more, and in 2012, then superintendent Pratt-Dannals, with 120 million in reserves, declared a financial emergency and robbed teachers of their step. Ultimately this cost him his job though teachers never made up the money they lost.

Three percent of DCPS's budget is about 51 million dollars, give or take. That means there are over ten million available to take care of needs.

I was told that the district is afraid that Corcoran will withhold funds for DHR kids next semester. I don't know if that is true or not, but if it is, DeSantis sailed that boat when he said parents could opt for virtual. 

The District also isn't reading the room; if the Democrats win in Georgia, we will be just fine, probably even prosper, but even if they don't, things will be better.

Either way, why the rush to screw veteran teachers, err push through the contract now. Why not wait until things are clearer?

I don't have all the answers; in fact, I have more questions than before; chief among them is how they can sit on so much money and let so many people be harmed.

We deserve better. We can do better. 

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