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Monday, November 28, 2011

10 reasons to stay out of the teaching profession


by Mr. Teacherbad

Ladies and Gentlemen–

I may have just dis­tilled the entire blog down to 10 talk­ing points. See what you think.

10) Object of wide­spread pub­lic scorn

9) Dig­nity offered up as a sac­ri­fice to unholy lovechild of Bill Gates and Michelle Rhee

Lazy, whiny, stu­pid, absent and/or unpre­pared stu­dents (Turns out this is now your fault.)

7) Need to use the bath­room? Great!! Your plan­ning period is in two hours.

6) Lazy, whiny, stu­pid, absent and/or unpre­pared par­ents (That’s right — also your fault.)

5) 28-year old vice principals

4) Ram­pant fetishism of rubrics and low-quality data

3) In ironic twist, teach­ing no longer requires higher order think­ing (banned in some states)

2) Com­pul­sory atten­dance at most ridicu­lous, unnec­es­sary meet­ings on planet

1) Work with chil­dren and be treated like one, too!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.


Mr. Teach­bad

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