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Monday, November 28, 2011

A teacher laments, I don't have time to care about my students

This was sent to me in an e-mail. -cpg

"One thing parents need to understand is we do value our students and want the best for them. However, it's often that are hands are tied by the districts non sensical policies that makes it look like we don't have our students best interests at heart.

I can't teach what I know my students need. I have to teach exactly what my other fellow teachers are teaching on the same day and the same way, which is ridiculous...not all kids are the same... and you can sometimes get your point across in better ways.

Trust me I am not in this for the paycheck... as it hasn't been growing in a few years and in fact this year shrank... but the amount of workload I have OUTSIDE of teaching has grown... I should post a photo of my CAST evaluation notebook I have to keep with tons of data and the like... it’s ridiculous...

I have to work extra hours before and after school just to keep up with it all. I RARELY have time to call parents and grade papers which to me is far more important than all the other work put on us."

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