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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Education Matters gets a Grumpy

It can be a bit lonely at times talking and writing about education. People say they care but their actions show it is often way down on thier list. That’s why when somebody who is passionate about education notices you it makes it all that more special.

Sandra Brevard who runs the excellent Grumpy Educators blog, recognized Education Matters in her piece about Florida education blogs and wrote:

The Golden Grumpy Educator Award
Huge thanks to Education Matters for the most referrals of all time that led readers to Grumpy Educators and for the comprehensive reporting on all things education, and provides focus on North Florida. Education Matters is a very important resource for all Floridians.

I am just trying to get the word out, when I started writing about education issues in the summer of 07 I thought to myself, self if people only knew they would care. It has been slow going but hopefully I have helped move education up a few notches of a some people’s lists.

Thanks Grumpy Educators, I accept the Golden Grumpy with pride.

Chris Guerrieri

To see all her awards click on the title of this blog

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