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Monday, November 28, 2011

Florida's college students rally against Rick Scott


by: Kristal Roberts

GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Students from seven Florida universities are joining forces to rally against what they’re calling, an "attack on higher education".

Supporters from University of South Florida, USF St. Pete campus, UF, UCF, FIU, FAU and FSU will gather at the University of Florida December 1 to urge Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Legislature to stop the attacks, according to a media release from the group.

“Along with the Florida Legislature, Gov Scott has taken aim at students through countless bills. The tuition of all state universities is poised to rise 15 percent each year for up to a decade,” the release states.

It goes on to say that the state academic scholarship, Bright Futures, is covering less per credit each year, and the program could lose funding all together.

“This attack on public education comes within the context of an economic downturn affecting hard working middle class Floridian families.”

The meeting will be held at 1:30 in Turlington Plaza on the University of Florida campus.

Read more:'s-%22attack-on-higher-education%22#ixzz1f2GN9e4k

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