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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Did W.C. Gentry insult Jacksonville’s teachers?

When W.C. Gentry as a rationalization for letting the KIPP School expand said, “They took on a very daunting task, and I think we all recognize it's very hard work when you really commit to trying to help kids who come to you from poverty." He was insulting thousands of local teachers.

Well Mr. Gentry what do you think thousands of teachers do everyday in the district? They work with kids in poverty that’s what. 50% of our kids are on free and reduced lunch, over a fifth of our kids live in poverty and another fifth just above it. You want to know poverty, visit any of a couple dozen schools on the North and West sides of town. But I guess Duval’s teachers aren’t really committed.

Where is his push back against senate bill 736 or the cast evaluation system that ignores poverty? Where is his push back against the FCAT that ignores poverty too?

You won’t find it anywhere. Only does the KIPP School get a pass from him.

Once again Mr. Gentry has proved how out of touch he is.


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