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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Duval County gets rid of all Autistic Children

Well not really they changed them to sensory deficit children instead.

That’s how Duval County handles its problems. They believe Autism has a stigma attached to it so they thought hey let’s not bring it up anymore, lets change the terminology to something a little less glaring.

Magnet schools must have a "stigma" attached to them too because now they want to change what they are called.

For the bargain basement price of 270 thousand dollars or four art teachers and their supplies they are going to embark on a PR campaign to replace the word magnet with choice, well that and hire yet another administrator, and by my count that is nine they have added to the district staff is the last few months and all will be making considerably more than teachers.

Speaking of choice, it’s funny because in my circle the word choice has become synonymous with privatization, but with the addition of TFA and KIPP schools to the litany of bad choices made by this board that may be just what they want.

It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

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