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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Is the school board giving lip service to the city?

In recent weeks the School Board has been touting how transparent the process of hiring the next superintendent will be. Sure we have to ignore the fact they fired the superintendent in secrecy and then they no-bid brought in Betty Burney’s other employer the Center for Reform of School Systems to advise them, but other than those three alarm fires, I guess they can say they have been transparent.

Well in today’s paper they announced they are taking bids for a search firm, why seven part time employees (the school board) can’t handle this is beyond me but I guess that is another story. The potential problem this creates is they are looking to hire the search firm while the community meetings are ongoing and are scheduled to do so for weeks. It seems to me we are hiring a search firm and we haven’t decided what we are looking for yet, well we the community haven’t, the school board on the other hand, well that may be another story.

Just a little side note, Duval has been at the bottom of Florida’s achievement rankings for a while, why don’t we cherry pick a top administrator from one of the larger Florida districts that are doing much better than us. I point to Miami Dade which has more kids on free and reduced lunch than we have kids but are still beating us in every metric. They would have the added benefit of having a much better understanding of how Florida works.

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