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Monday, April 30, 2012

There is a fine line between apathy and hopelessness for Duval County’s teachers

There is a fine line between apathy and hopelessness and Duval County’s teachers may have crossed it when only four of the nearly 2000 high school teachers showed up to discuss issues in the district and what the next superintendent should look like.

Only four.

Now I know some didn’t know about it and a great many that did may have either been exhausted from their day of teaching or still at work when the meeting started because there is always more to do but at the end of the day only four showed up.

Only four.

The district prepared a room where several hundred could have sat comfortably and quickly after the meeting started we were all sitting at the same table. Teachers were even outnumbered by board members.

We have big problems here in Duval County and step one to solving them is to figure out why only four of the districts high school teachers bothered to show up and why nearly 2000 didn’t.

1 comment:

  1. Why should the teachers give up anymore of their time. Showing up for a simple feel good load of BS so someone can say they were given an opportunity to brainstorm and solve problems is the last thing on teachers minds right now. We know the school board already has made their own behind closed door decisions and are only paying lip service.
