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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Duval County Schol Board owes us an apology

Last year the district was pleading poverty, firing people and cutting programs including sports, all this while sitting on over a hundred million dollars. This year it has decided to use some of the massive reserve fund to cover costs, something rather than putting people and families lives through chaos they should have done last year.

Betty Burney in a Times Union article has the chutzpah to say all the budget choices were about families and students. Well Mrs. Burney where was your concern for families and students last year as you helped throw their lives into turmoil?

I think the city is owed a little more than the restoration of our school's sports programs, I think we are owed an apology too.

Imagine if we had a board that knew what they were doing.



  1. Your blog features some great guest posts and the majority of your reform ideas (summer gym, more social workers, elective classes, legitimizing grade recovery, etc) seem practical and that they would actually benefit children. If I were a teacher, I'd certainly vote for you. Except that by your definition, I'm not a teacher, I'm just a TFA hobbyist/acolyte (I actually had to Google that one, good word) that happens to work in Duval.

  2. If you have read my stuff then you know I believe TFA has a role to play. I think it could be a great supplement to education but it shouldn't be used to replace professional teachers and college of ed grads which is what it is now being used to do.

    Let me ask, do you plan to stay past year 2? If not then somebody who may make being a teacher a lifetime choice should be in your class.
