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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today’s school news, KIPP allowed to expand, Duval County sells out its children

Last year the KIPP School had the worst scores in Northeast Florida, their punishment? They were allowed to expand. Today the DCSB gave permission for the opening of a second school and this despite KIPP's promise that they wouldn’t expand unless they showed improvement. Thus far known has been shown.

Friends what is wrong with waiting to see if they can get the job done before we put more kids into their meat grinder?

In Jacksonville there can be no pretense anymore, what’s best for our kids is completely out the window.


  1. Yeah, you should decide what is best for families, not the parents. If the parents kept their kids there, they must be doing something right at KIPP. And I thought the FCAT was a bogus test, according to you?
    Why do you want to tell parents what to do so badly? Are you one of those patronizing people who thinks they know better than everyone else?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually I just know better that you because if you can't see that them showing improvement before being allowed to expand is both reasonable and prudent, then you obviously know nothing. The kids not only did poorly last year but they regressed.

    As far as the FCAT goes, I think what it has become is the problem, not what it was meant to be. An assesment isn't a bad thing, a monster that took over education is.

    Happy teacher, I hear they have a lot of turnover perhaps you can seek a position there since you love them so much and doing well by children is not a priority with you.

  4. You are really running for political office? What a joke!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sir I would say you were the joke accept you you are supporting things that are bad for children and it makes you either a spchophant or pathetic.
