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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Globally competitive, the latest catch phrase from the School Board that shows they just don’t get it.

Let me say I would love for all our kids to get college degrees and well paying jobs that allowed them to be creative and innovative. I would love to have a flying horse too and that’s a just as realistic hope.

The school board doesn’t walk the halls of our schools, they aren’t in our classrooms and their rhetoric shows their heads are in the cloud.

Where it sounds great to prepare our kids to be globally competitive, the reality of the situation is we need to prepare our kids to be successful right here and right now. If some of our kids get jobs with room for advancement we should celebrate that as much as we do other kids who get full ride scholarships. This isn’t lowering expectations this is having realistic expectations.

Not all of our kids are going to go to college or at least not right after they graduate and we should be okay with that. We need to teach more trades and skills and arts in our schools you know jobs that won’t be outsourced to third world countries and kids who start them won’t be saddled with tens of thousands of dollars of debt. If we make school more relevant to kids, then they will do better in school. Right now many see that light at the end of the tunnel as a train racing towards them.

Friends I would love for all our kids to get college degrees and well paying jobs that allowed them to be creative and innovative but when we make that the focus our system we take our eyes off the prize and kids fall through the cracks.

Instead of them being globally competitive why don't we prepare them to be successful with whatever they choose to do whether that is go to college or to get a job.

The school board and their globally competitive talk shows how willfully ignorant they are and that’s bad for our kids.

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