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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Are you an education voter?

I am an education voter, that’s to say that is my number one issue when deciding who to vote for. I believe that only through education will America dig our way out of our financial morass and ensure that we have a bright future. With that being said I think the president’s education policies have been terrible. Race to the Top trades local control for pennies and its policies, merit pay and charter schools have actual evidence that says they don’t work.

Yet I am still going to vote for the president because Romney’s policies are worse. Romney likes to tell people that Massachusetts was number one in education under his watch but what he doesn’t tell anybody is that the Massachusetts education system is made up of completely unionized teachers, they practice last in first out, reward teacher experience and education and charter schools have more restrictions on their growth than anywhere in the country. Since all of those things have helped lead to success we would call them best practices and responsible school systems should emulate them. Romney however, despite the fact he has first hand evidence that they lead to success rails against them. In short he doesn’t believe his lying eyes.

If education is important to you I wouldn’t be excited about either but at the end of the day Romney’s positions are far worse than the presidents.

Chris Guerrieri
School Teacher

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