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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jason Fischer puts the partisan in non-partisan (rough draft)

School board races are supposed to be non-partisan because our children are more important than political parties. I know people who I don’t imagine I could agree with that the say was blue and them vice versa with me but we come together when the subject of our schools and children come up.

Unfortunately Jason Fischer isn’t that type of candidate. He dropped conservative and Jeb Bush as often as he could in channel 12’s education debate. He reveled in the fact that he was to the right of Steve Wise and John Thrasher. At the same time I have no idea what John Heymann, Fischer’s opponent, political persuasion is. Talking about the issues not letting people know what the little letter next to his name was more important to him.

You get the impression that Mr. Fischer could care less about our schools and children and just envisions the school board as a stepping-stone to some other office because this is not his first foray into politics as he ran for the soil and water commission a few years back. 

At the end of the day I could care less about what little letter is next to someone’s name, put Obama in the search box and see what I think about him, its ideas and if you are going to be there for our kids, teachers and schools that I find important. Mr. Fischer fails on both accounts.


  1. Four candidates spoke last night. The only one who said they were partisan was Mr. Heymann, and yet that is not what the title of the blog post would lead a person to believe. For your information Mr. Heymann walks door to door with a very partisan sticker on his shirt when it is convenient for him to do so. He has been to the Democrat party meetings and the Republican Party meetings. He also has campaign materials in their headquarters. But hey…Liberals give Liberals a pass on everything else, why not this too?

  2. I watched the debate. The only one who gave an inkling of what party he belonged to was Fischer. He embraced Jeb Bush and if that's your cup of tea that's on you but as for me I think Jeb Bush was terrible for our state's education system.

    As for liberals giving liberals a pass, I don't care what your party is. If you advocate ideas that are bad for public education, I am going to mention it and if you took the time to do some research rather than just going with your gut you would know that.

    Mr. Fischer would be terrible for our schools. We need an advocate not somebody who is interested in dismantling them.

  3. Advocates for our schools don't spend their time trying to figure out ways to profit from them. Think what you want about Bush, but the fact is that you are advocating for someone who already relies on the school board for their primary income.

  4. I have discussed where Heymann gets his income on the blog before. Put his name in the search box and it will take you to the post, if you would like to know.

    Despite the fact his organization does get money form the district I feel more comfortable supporting him than Fischer whose only aim seems to be to dismantle our schools under the guise of choice.
