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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The cost of Florida handicapping the teacher profession is 130 million a year.

From the Orlando Sentinel, by Leslie Postal
Florida may lose more than $130 million a year because so many teachers leave the profession or at least move to new schools, according to a new national study. The nation likely loses more than $2 billion a year because of teacher attrition, the study found, a problem that most hurts schools in low-income neighborhoods.
The study, released by the Alliance for Excellent Education, says "the very culture of how teachers are supported must change," if states and school districts want to stop having to hire and train so many new instructors.
That instructional churn not only cost money, but it frequently means the neediest students -- who often attend "hard-to-staff" schools -- end up with the least experienced and skilled teachers, the study says.
Nationally, about 13 percent of teachers move or leave the profession each year.
In Florida, the rate has been higher in recent years, state data shows, with 15 percent or more of new teachers leaving. And if they don't leave after their first year, they leave soon after. About  40 percent of new teachers have left the classroom five years after they began their teaching careers, a report by the Florida Department of Education shows. About half have left by 10th year.
The new study says more comprehensive "induction programs" are needed so that teachers in even the most-challenging schools feel supported professionally. Such induction programs include "high-quality mentoring, common planning time, and on-going support from school leaders."
Such programs have reduced by half the turnover of new teachers, it notes.

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