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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Throwing money at the probem.

I saw an Internet meme, which asked the question, why is giving more money to public schools “throwing money” at the problem, but giving more money to charter schools and private schools “investing” in the future.

There are undoubtedly problems in public education but most of them have been created by starving schools of resources, attacking and marginalizing our teachers and by ignoring poverty. Getting rid of work protections for teachers and doubling down on the expensive and untested Common Core is not going to fix poverty my friends. Florida has in effect handicapped our public schools, ignored societies problems and then blamed our schools and teachers for not being able to fix those problems.

The solution should not be to outsource our children’s education to institutions that care more about the bottom line, charter schools or that resist accountability, private schools that take vouchers. The solution should be to address and fix our problems, many of which were created by individuals and politicians who now seek to privatize our schools and profit off our children.  

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