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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

When defending senate bill 850 Patricia Levesque can’t help but attack teacher unions.

When defending senate bill 850 Patricia Levesque can’t help but attack teacher unions saying their lawsuit was a new low for the Florida Education Association. The thing is there are lots of people against voucher expansion. The Parent Teacher Association, people for the separation of church and state, people who believe there should be accountability for how public money is spent as well as numerous other organizations. Have they reached a new low too?

Levesque also says it is all about the kids, well friends if that was the truth she would call for the legislature to properly fund education, to stop treating teachers like easily replaceable cogs and for an end to high stakes standardized testing rather than throwing in with a lot who lobbies for more public money but at the same time resists any and every call for accountability. 

Instead this is about privatization, and the two options she wants to replace public schools with, charters which have seen over 260 open, take public money, close and leave communities in a lurch and private schools that take vouchers sans practically any real accountability measures, aren’t as good as the public schools we have now. 

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