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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Florida emphasizing the three R's and a G, Reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic and groceries

by By Kate Santich, Orlando Sentinel

Increasingly, Orange County public schools are emphasizing the three R's — and a G.

Reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic and groceries.

After a three-month pilot program running food pantries at 13 Orange County elementary schools, the nonprofit Christian Service Center is expanding its "Love Pantry" food program to 17 additional campuses — and plans to have 60 school-based food pantries next fall.

"It is heart-wrenching when a child is crying because they don't have enough to eat," said Principal Lynne Wassatt at Rock Lake Elementary School, where 96 percent of the students qualify for free or reduced-cost breakfasts and lunches. "This program has been a godsend. We couldn't afford by ourselves to help our families this way if we didn't have the Christian Service Center."

At Rock Lake, where 275 students attend school, some 95 families have used the pantry at least once during the first semester. If anything, Wassatt said, she expects demand to increase as word spreads.

So, too, does Christina Savino, the district's top homeless-education liaison. "A recent survey of school personnel showed that there is a great need for assistance to feed hungry children," she said.

Overall, 64 percent of the district's students come from families poor enough to qualify for the federal free and reduced-cost meal program, which at most schools covers both breakfast and lunches. For some children, the program provides the only food they get — unless there's a pantry to help.

The Love Pantry program — so named because the $28,000 in start-up money came from First Baptist Church of Orlando's "Love Orlando" ministry for homeless families — is meant to fill emergency gaps in a family's finances, not to be an ongoing supplier. But each pantry also offers parents a list of community resources for food, rent and utility assistance.

"The pantry helps supplement families in emergency situations where they may have to make a choice between food and another immediate need," Savino said.

The demand is a somber indicator of the current economic climate. A year ago, Dave Krepcho, CEO of Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, knew of no food pantries at Orange County schools.

"Now, sadly, it's an increasingly common phenomenon," he said. "And it's not just elementary schools. It's middle schools, high schools, even colleges. We're getting calls from schools on a weekly basis saying, 'Hey, how can we start a pantry?' "

At the 13 initial schools in the pilot program, feedback has been positive.

But if the program is to expand successfully, it will need support from individuals, churches and local businesses, organizers said.

"The program has really exceeded our expectations, especially in terms of receptivity of the teachers. They've been so thankful that children aren't coming to school hungry on Monday," said Senior Associate Pastor Danny de Armas of First Baptist. "But our goal was to provide seed money to get the program started, and we're already seeing others come forward and get involved."

For the spring semester, which begins Monday, the church gave another $26,000 toward the program, the Kiwanis Club of Orlando has offered a matching grant of up to $13,000, and Florida Hospital is underwriting the cost of food and supplies at four of the schools. It is also encouraging its employees to volunteer.

"We don't quite know what to expect this semester," said Robert Stuart, executive director of the Christian Service Center and an Orlando City Council member. "We're expanding to a couple of high schools and middle schools, and with older kids, often they have more resources. They could be working part time and get some food there."

Or, with campuses of up to 2,000 students — several times the enrollment of elementary schools — demand could soar.

"In that case, we're really going to need broad-based community support," Stuart said.

The program comes as very welcome news to Principal Elvis Epps at Acceleration Academy High School in Orlando, where students take intense course loads to graduate in three years or less.

"I believe in educating the whole child and taking care of all their needs, not just academic ones," Epps said. "One thing I've learned is that if they're sleep-deprived or hungry, they're not going to learn."

The schools added to the pantry program this semester include: John Young Elementary, Acceleration Academy, Conway Elementary, Lake Weston Elementary, Sadler Elementary, Edgewater High, Ivey Lane Elementary, Lancaster Elementary, Rosemont Elementary, Eccleston Elementary, Rolling Hills Elementary, Englewood Elementary, Dover Shores Elementary, Stonewall Jackson, Wheatley Elementary, Eagle's Nest Elementary and Lee Middle School. or 407-420-5503,0,5292357.story

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