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Friday, January 27, 2012

Up is down in America

We won’t let banks close but we will actively close schools.

We complain about cutting the military’s budget but we shrug our shoulders when education budgets are slashed.

We complain about regulations that are onerous to business but we double down on laws (NCLB and RTTT) that handicap children.

We say the debt is to big and we must pay it down to save our children’s futures while we ignore the present where over a fifth of our children live in poverty.

We saved the automobile industry with few strings attached while requiring states to fire teachers and shut schools in exchange for a few extra nickels.

In Florida we create slush funds for business and refuse to close loopholes or tax internet sales while tuition has gone up sixty percent over the last four years and likely to go up another fifteen percent this one.

We blame the teacher while administrators, politicians and absentee parents get a pass.

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