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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Superintendent Pratt Dannals gets one right.

Insert almost as good as a broke clock joke here.

In the middle of his exaggerated claims, bizarre contradictions and his self serving diatribe, the superintendent did get something right in his letter to the Times Union when he wrote: "I would also ask that our legislators look at ways to provide school districts with more local control, creating the ability to use funding in the best interest of our schools..."

The Florida Legislature has become a defacto state wide school board usurping local control from all the districts and ruling with an iron fist. They pass unfunded mandates, they dictate how districts can and must spend their money, they meddle in collective bargaining, in short they have their fingers in every aspect of local education and many of us feel it is to the detriment of our children. Furthermore I thought home rule was a tenant of the republican party? If that’s the case then who we have in Tallahassee are not republicans.

We here in Jacksonville should making decisions for our children, not them.

The superintendent is right when he asks them to butt out.

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