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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pratt Dannals disingenuous response to devastating school rankings

Below is his response to the school rankings that came out today. In case you haven’t seen them 8 of our high schools are in the bottom 25 (out of 404) of the state.

We recognize that the results of our lower performing high schools needed to improve and have implemented strategies to improve both the FCAT scores as well as the newer grading criteria and are seeing positive progress. Having two of our high schools in the top 12 is impressive. Our expansion of the acceleration programs and career academies is designed to replicate the successes we are seeing at Stanton and Paxon, requiring rigorous coursework, high graduation requirements and post-secondary readiness. Duval County has the most rigorous graduation requirements in the state. The percentage of graduates completing a college prep curriculum in Duval County in 2010 was 82.9% compared to the state at 60.2%. *

The two high schools in the top 12 are Paxon and Stanton, magnet schools for our top kids and remember when Stanton and Paxon were number five and twelve in the nation? Now they are that way in just the sate.

There is also a difference between rigorous and advanced. Rigor has been destroyed by grade recovery and the districts gentlemen’s C policy, where we pass kids along whether they have the skills they need or not.

Finally ask Florida State College at Jacksonville where 70% of our graduates have to take remedial classes how well our college prep curriculum is doing.

How does this guy still have a job?

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