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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Florida's Superintendents push back against Scotts funding proposal

From the Orlando Sentinel's School Zone

by Leslie Postal

Orange Superintendent Ron Blocker filled in the State Board of Education today on just how things look from where Florida school superintendents sit. He’s president of the statewide superintendents’ association this year, making him the current voice (and face) of Florida’s school administrative leaders.

Speaking in Tallahassee, Blocker was polite but firm. Yes, he told the State Board, it was nice Gov. Rick Scott had proposed $1 billion more for public education. But Scott’s proposal would not make up for previous years’ cuts nor keep funding even at this year’s level, which has lead to “pain all over the state.”

The Governor’s budget would leave schools with $100 to $140 less per student than they have now, Blocker said.

So superintendents won’t be lobbying lawmakers to do as the Governor asked — but to do more, he said.

Board Chairman Kathleen Shanahan suggested school leaders say to lawmakers, “Let’s at least get the $1 billion.”

Nope, Blocker said, their message will be: Keep funding level.

Orange’s on-his-way-out school leader (he retires in June) said a lack of funding will hurt Florida’s push to improve academics, as its multi-pronged reform efforts take money.

Schools need to be “implementing reform with fidelity,” he said, but that’s hard, if there is no money to do it right.

And, he added, “If it’s not done right, it then goes on the heap with every other reform that didn’t go right.”

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