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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Superintendent Pratt Dannals has his cake and eats it too.

In a letter to the Times Union the superintendent writes, …high school grades came in and many of our high schools made tremendous improvement.

He doesn’t mention how the grading formula was changed and that led to a bump in the school’s scores.

Later in the same letter he writes, …it should be noted that the state Board of Education has recently approved new standards that may cause some of our school grades to decline next year.

Many “A” rated schools will become “B” or “C” schools even though their performance improved.

How can he celebrate grades going up, because of a scoring change and then warn us that grades will be going down, because of a scoring change?!?

Friends he has now just had his cake and ate it too. Sadly that’s how his whole career as superintendent has gone, self gratifying pats on the back when things go well, or appear to go well, who me looks and passing the buck when they don’t.

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