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Monday, January 23, 2012

Is the Times Union hiding bad news about the school district?

I have long complained that the Times Union is culpable with the current administration for our problems with education. When like the superintendent does and paints a rosy picture they give the public a false sense of security. When people have a false sense of security they don’t get involved and let the status quo continue.

Today the Governor ranked the school districts and where I tend to agree with what education expert Sherman Dorn said in the Tampa Bay Times: Rankings, as opposed to ratings like grades, have a "competitive appeal," said Sherman Dorn, an education professor at the University of South Florida. But they can also distort by oversimplifying.

He and other researchers cautioned, for example, that only a few points may separate clumps of school districts, whether it's in the Times analysis or what Gov. Scott is releasing. Dorn suggested that some rankings say more about who's doing the ranking.

Scott's office "doesn't care about the method, they just want the attention," Dorn said. "It's a Lady Gaga strategy."

He said it 11:30!!! 11:30 in the morning for Rankings that came out hours before and the Times Union has yet to update it’s web site. Even though I disagree with the Governor, it’s still news isn’t it?

In case you are wondering the Governor ranked Jacksonville 50th out of 67 and I can’t wait to see the Times Union and Superintendents spin on that one.

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