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Friday, January 27, 2012

More bad legislation making the rounds in Tallahassee

From the Orlando Sentinel's School Zone

by Leslie Postal

Rep. Kelli Stargel made headlines last year when she proposed that elementary school teachers evaluate parents on the “quality” of their invovlement in their child’s education.

The bill died in commitee, but it’s back again this year in a revised form.

Its goal is to “help parents establish a home environment that supports the child as a student.” Teachers would evaluate parents based on whether the child has a lot of unexcused absences and/or tardies, whether the parents provide up-to-date contact information and whether the parents respond to requests for conferences or communication, the bill says.

This year’s bill does not go as far as last year’s as it does not deal with homework and test readiness or “physical preparation for school,” including a good night’s sleep and healthy meals.

Stargel, a Lakeland Repubican, is a mother of five. She said last year that the proposal was not meant to be punitive or intrusive but a way to prod parents to make their child’s education a top priority.

“I think there’s a certain segment of parents who would just step it up a notch,” Stargel told the Sentinel last year. ”It’s not intended to be big government coming down on parents. It’s just intended to hold parents accountable.”

This year’s senate version is sponsored by Sen. Steve Wise, R-Jacksonville, who is chairman of the Senate education committee. Stargel is chair of a house education subcommitte. So the bill should get some discussion, at least.

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