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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

More parent's groups ignored by the Florida legislature

From Tampa Bay.coms Gradebook

by Jeff Solochek

As we reported back in December, Florida lawmakers have proposed several new ways to expand charter schools, including a bill that would force school districts to share their capital outlay tax revenue with charters.

A coalition of parent groups that recently came out against a "parent empowerment" bill moving through the Legislature today blasted the charter school effort.

"These are funds from the taxpayer/voter supported millage levy specifically meant to keep publicly-owned school facilities safe and modern. Voters never intended to use this revenue to improve, maintain, rent, build, or buy facilities for private people," they said in a joint statement.

The Senate is scheduled to have its first committee review of this bill today. The House version has been scheduled but not yet heard.

The groups in the coalition include Citizens for Strong Schools, Fund Education Now, Save Duval Schools, 50th No More, Support Dade Schools and Marions United for Public Education.

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