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Friday, April 13, 2012

Gary Chartrand gets it wrong about class size. What else has he got wrong?

Gary Chartrand likes to boast about all the education research he has done. Because of this I am befuddled and alarmed when he says things like, “We need to repeal the class-size amendment and take the money and reinvest it” he said. Of the class-size requirement, he said there is “no empirical evidence anywhere” that it improves student performance.

Mr. Chartrand might not know it but a smaller class size is the one reform with empirical evidence that says it does work; not vouchers, not charter schools, not merit pay, not Teach for America, not any of the things he supports.

What he did was substitute his opinion for fact and when supposed education leaders do that it is dangerous for all of us.

He said above to a group of business leaders at a recent conference who unless they do their research because of his position might take him at his word. He did so despite the fact that a quick google search will take you to many articles about the subject, here are just two from reputable sources.

For him to so boldly say no empirical evidence (exists) anywhere, when the contrary is true and easily obtainable, this should make us question the validity of all his decisions.


  1. Chris, I believe you are right to call out the leadership and integrity of the current School Board, and especially the Superintendent. However, I believe there is a time where toning down your message is vital. It is okay for sharing your opinion but you cannot make someone else adopt your views by resulting to questioning their qualifications or dedication to children. Don't make this personal... because then it becomes all you breathe and live and I am sure there are many other fun and exciting things you want to do with your time. Everyone has their own opinion. I am sure this is the reason you began your blog. We have to embrace our differences and grow close together in a fight for our schools' success because that is the ultimate goal. No one wants to come together with an angry person such as yourself. Tone it down a little, will you?

  2. I will be honest it does ware on me a bit but what choice do I have? Kids are graduating ill prepared for life, teachers are mistreated and the whole system is messed up. Then those people with money and influence instead of working to fix the system are trying to buy it or pervert it.

    I am tired but if I give up, well the alternative is worse.

    And just so you know I am not angry I am very sad, here we have this system which can be the root of all good and we mistreat it and twist it. I am past angry, that feuled the begining but not now.

  3. This was a fair call--pointing out a very critical mistake made by someone who has taken a very public role in the local education scene. While it might have been done without bringing the guy's judgment or veracity into question, the mistake absolutely needed to be identified, and the individual needs to correct himself. Keep up the good work.
