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Friday, November 15, 2013

Alabama says "NO" to Common Core

From Alabama, by Ashley Roberts

The state of Alabama has opted out of participating in the Common Core English and mathematics standards. 

Last month, State Superintendent of Education Dr. Tommy Bice proposed rescinding the 2009 Memorandum of Agreement with the National governor's Association and the Council for Chief State School Officers, "in an effort to reassure the public that Alabama remains in complete control of its academic standards," according to a news release.  

At this morning's meeting, the state board of education voted 7 to 2 to approve the resolution.
"The purpose of rescinding this MOA is to remove any remaining question about whether Alabama's standards in Math and English Language Arts were in fact a state initiated and a state-led effort," Bice said. "Both NGA and CCSSO simply provided the coordination needed to make the development process a reality."
"Some continue to see this collaborative relationship with NGA and CCSSO as one step in some federal overreach to state control of our academic standards," he said. "By rescinding the MOA, this removes the only signed agreement between Alabama, the NGA and CCSSO, even though it was executed solely for the development process only."
Bice has said this move does not "diminish Alabama's working relationship with NGA and CCSSO, who provide exceptional opportunities for states to work collaboratively on a wide variety of topics and policy issues."
"It affirms that the governance of our standards is retained by our Alabama State Board of Education as recommended through our state approved standards development, review and recommendation process," he added. "This was conducted by Alabama teachers, principals, college professors and appointees representing educational experts from throughout our state." 
Abolishing Common Core does away with the current state of Alabama graduation exam. According to the AP, the requirement for graduation is now passing all required courses. 
Comon Core is a state-led K-12 curriculum of English and math standards that aims to prepare students for college or the workforce. Click here to learn more about Common Core. 

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